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Clan and Conscience Page 9
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Page 9
Performance anxiety. Just what I need.
Aside from the humiliating tumble of the night before, Ospar hadn’t entertained anyone in his bed for several weeks. Or was it months? What little experience he’d enjoyed in the last year—all three times—had been with service Imdikos in pleasure clubs. Men he didn’t have to face in the morning. Men who were paid to give him what he wanted whether he returned the satisfaction or not. Making sure he did right by Jol was a whole other ballgame.
It wasn’t as if Ospar didn’t receive offers. At least he’d received plenty when he emerged in society, away from the office. For the most part, he’d been busy at Itga since finishing his schooling, trying to repay his uncles who had footed the bills. He hadn’t eased up on himself as the years went by. Quite the opposite, in fact. Ospar put work before contentment of any sort lately. He drove himself harder as his interest in Itga waned and the desire to enter politics grew.
Now he had an incredibly sexy creature to spend intimate time with. Ospar quailed to realize he wasn’t sure he knew how to.
Fortunately, Jol wasn’t paying any attention to Ospar, not wondering why he wasn’t being pushed into paying the wager. Instead, the Nobek examined the room with more interest than seemed warranted.
New worries nibbled at Ospar, distracting him from his concerns about his sexual prowess. “I thought you checked everything over already?”
“I wasn’t looking to appreciate the surroundings before. What’s with the bar?” Jol nodded to a metal rod hanging from the ceiling near the door.
“For pull ups. I have a bad habit of forgetting to exercise, so I can at least do some arm work on my way out before my schedule erases all my good intentions.” Ospar snuck a glance at Jol’s arms. From the look of them, the Nobek never neglected to work out.
“Smart thinking. This is a nice setup.” Jol eyed the space’s layout with appreciation. “I like the small seating area in the corner. You’ve got a minibar, a small vid system, a cooler and heating element. You could stay in here rather than the common room if you wanted to lounge comfortably.”
Ospar regarded the well-appointed seating nook and smiled. “I used to. It’s cozier than the common room. I enjoyed it. I had to stop though.”
“Because I found out that using the sleeping room for purposes other than sleeping was a big part of why I didn’t manage much rest. I had awful insomnia for a while. I tended to work rather than relax.”
“The curse of the overachiever,” Jol opined. A dangerous glint lit his eyes. “You don’t plan to use the area for sleeping right now.”
Ospar’s heart quickened at Jol’s evaluating stare. What was he supposed to do with him?
Can’t go wrong with the basics. Let’s try that and see where it leads.
He approached the Nobek, trying to appear more confident than he felt. Jol was taller, though only by a few inches. The sleeveless armored vest he wore showed off the well-cut muscles of his arms and a delicious pie slice of his upper chest. Ospar had a vision of licking that deep divide between Jol’s pectoral muscles up to the Nobek’s throat. His pulsing cocks gave a stronger jolt at the idea.
Ospar ran his fingers from Jol’s chin to the hollow of his throat, discovering the steady pulse there. The guard’s skin was velvet over steel, hot to the touch.
Meanwhile, Jol’s blue-violet eyes watched him with interest—but not enough heat to make Ospar feel he was doing anything for him. He was supposed to be rewarding Jol. Instead, he was tiptoeing around without a clue as to how to do that. It had been far too long since he’d tried to seduce someone.
“By the ancestors,” he groaned.
“What’s the matter? Am I not attractive to you?” Jol’s demeanor remained the same, but the crease between his brows deepened.
“You’re attractive. You have nothing to worry about there.” Was he ever. That might be part of the problem, Ospar realized. The man had to know how delicious he was to gaze upon, to lust after. It intimidated the Dramok.
“Something’s wrong.”
Ospar was going to have to fess up. Feeling pathetic, he admitted, “Don’t laugh, but—well, it’s been a while.”
Jol didn’t laugh. “Too much work, not enough recreation?”
“Unfortunately.” Ospar raked his hand through his hair, frustrated on several levels. “I have everything to prove. Do you know I’m the youngest director of any Kalquorian mining company? Ever? And that the Eruz mine will be the biggest contract awarded in the empire’s history?”
Jol combed his fingers through Ospar’s scalp, smoothing out the tangles he’d created. It was an innocent gesture, a platonic caress, yet for some reason the consideration enlivened Ospar’s senses. He grew aware of the warmth of the touch on a more profound level.
The Nobek’s deep voice was soft. “You’re under a lot of pressure. Is that why you’re such a jerk?”
Ospar scowled, but there was barely any irritation behind it. Not when Jol treated him like a person and not a responsibility he had to nursemaid. He complained anyway. “Oh thanks. I appreciate a little seductive patter to get me in the mood.”
Jol smiled at that, his even teeth bright in his dark face. Ospar’s stomach turned heavy at how the expression elevated the Nobek from handsome to striking. A surge of interest filled his cocks, making him rigid.
Jol cupped his ass and pulled him close. Judging from the thick iron pressing against Ospar’s belly, he wasn’t the only one feeling the growing heat of the situation. The Dramok’s breathing went ragged as he felt the strength of the other man against him.
“I think I’m beginning to recall how this works,” he said, his tone thick.
“Yeah?” Jol chuckled. “Then why don’t you shut up for a change and kiss me? Surely you can figure out how to do that.”
Ospar gave him a mock snarl before leaning in to capture Jol’s mouth. He wrapped his arms around the Nobek’s neck as he drew on his lips, tasting the salt-musk flavor of warm flesh. He nipped the satiny skin and then soothed it with a gentle lick. Jol uttered a soft sound and opened to him. The rasp of his tongue met Ospar’s, sending a sizzle of excitement down his spine. Wanting more, Ospar went up on his toes to better plant his lips on the taller Nobek’s, to dive in, to taste him fully.
Jol growled. His tongue parried Ospar’s, sucking him in deeper to devour. His powerful hands clenched on Ospar’s buttocks with demand, tugging him more firmly against him, rubbing his avid groin against Ospar’s lower belly. Ospar writhed against him, lost in instinctive need, clutching and grinding.
Wanting more of that firm physique touching his, Ospar pulled free of their eager kiss and yanked at the protective vest that was all Jol wore for a shirt. Revealing the smooth chest and rippled abdomen made the warmth in his groin pulse throughout his body. Feeling aroused from head to toe was a new and enthralling sensation. Ospar embraced it fully.
Sure that Jol’s skin must taste as delicious as it looked, Ospar fell on the naked flesh with appetite. He stroked and licked the stunning muscular masterpiece that was fierce Nobek, drawing as much pleasure from his explorations as he did from the sensation of Jol ripping the expensive shirt from his torso. Shreds of fabric drifted from Ospar, baring him to hot, calloused hands, wet mouth, and hard teeth.
The next few moments were a flurry of rough tussling as they battled to yank each other’s clothing off, to make each other bare for the enjoyment of discovery. They staggered across the padded flooring, fighting to touch more of the naked flesh they uncovered. Ospar lost his balance and dropped to his knees. Jol followed him down to continue yanking at his clothes and taste all he found. They rolled on the floor, wrestling not to take control but to get closer, as if they could meld into a single being.
At last, Ospar fought to pull free, gasping from the effort of subsuming himself in the incredible Nobek. “Wait. Wait, damn it. I want to look at you. All of you.”
He’d been afraid Jol wouldn’t allow him the delight of v
iewing the figure he’d come to know in frenzied bits and pieces. However, Jol stopped grabbing at him and drew back.
Staring at each other, the panting men climbed to their feet, standing at the foot of Ospar’s sleeping mat. In the soft, intimate lighting, Jol glowed before the Dramok’s desire-blurred sight.
“Ancestors, you’re beautiful,” Ospar blurted.
Jol was more than beautiful. He was magnificent. Muscled but not bulky, he was too perfect to not have been carved by a superior sculptor. Yet he stood there in living, vital flesh. His skin glistened from their amorous struggles. His sleek black hair streamed over his shoulders in a gleaming tide, a liquid nightfall. His striking features were of a noble cast despite the wild undercurrent that gave him a predatory air—a royal beast, ruler of his territory.
“I’m glad you approve,” the Nobek’s voice rumbled like thunder, a sound Ospar felt in his bones. Jol’s hot stare raked over him. “I’m excited by what I see too. It makes me think losing to you isn’t such a terrible thing after all.”
Ospar remembered he’d won the bet that had brought them to this moment. A wager he’d cheated to win, but only because he wanted to thank and apologize to Jol.
When I win, I win big. Now give your champion what he deserves.
Ospar moved towards the grinning Nobek. He put his hands on that magnificent chest and shoved him towards the sleeping mat. “Lie down. On your back.”
Still smiling, Jol did so. Splayed out on Ospar’s bed, he continued to look regal. A being to be worshipped. Revered.
With a sense of devotion he’d never experienced for another lover, Ospar crawled over the waiting Nobek. The kisses he gave Jol this time were not so violent, though no less passionate. He moved down, covering the other’s flesh with more adulation. Mouthing. Licking. Stroking. Caressing. Ospar poured veneration on the stunning creature’s body, reaching the rigid shafts standing like towers from his groin. They gleamed with wetness, smelling of spicy-sweet heaven. Ospar couldn’t hesitate, not even to savor a second’s anticipation. His lips closed on the bottom spear’s tip, bestowing a lingering, open-mouthed kiss that made it jerk. Then he did the same with its twin, tasting the musky mix of passion. He moaned from a deep throb of bliss.
Jol gasped. “Mother of All. I thought I lost that bet.”
Ospar grasped the Nobek’s primary dick with a tightness that made Jol’s hips lift a respectable distance off the mat. “Now who’s talking too much? If I want to taste you, then I won the right to. Shut up and deal with it.”
Ospar had been indifferent to sucking cock before. It had been merely a bit of foreplay, a little something that would pleasure whomever he was with. However, he looked forward to orally enjoying Jol.
The Nobek’s groan was satisfyingly loud when Ospar ran his tongue up the smaller of the two erections. Louder still as he enclosed the smooth bullet-shaped flesh in his mouth, tracing the throbbing vein on its underside with his tongue. While he tended to the secondary length, his fist stroked up and down the slippery primary, making the grip tight, making it good. Jol’s hips rose and fell on the mat, working himself in Ospar’s fist and mouth.
Ospar had wanted to reward Jol, small as a decent suck and fuck was in comparison to granting him his continued existence. Yet the Dramok enjoyed himself too, his cocks growing heavier with expanding arousal as he tasted Jol’s flesh, servicing his savior with increasing enthusiasm. For the first time in his life, he found orally pleasuring another man erotic. Exciting. His own cocks pulsed with want as he sucked Jol down his throat.
A bead of iridescent white liquid formed on the tip of Jol’s primary length, beckoning Ospar. He relinquished the smaller captive for the bigger shaft. The explosion of musky-spicy sweetness on his tongue drew a moan from him, and he closed his eyes to enhance his enjoyment.
“Ospar.” Jol’s deep voice came on a sigh, a worshipful whisper. The Dramok’s eyelids were as heavy as his jerking cocks, but he cracked them open to gaze up at the Nobek. Jol watched him with his wet lips parted, his chest heaving as Ospar’s head bobbed up and down over his groin.
Jol might have been the stronger of them, a brute Ospar couldn’t hope to overcome in physical power or prowess. Yet he held him captive at the moment, wielding passion instead of might. The Dramok felt the heady thrill of dominance, of holding such a vital force to his will.
He worked to keep Jol subject to his whims, tasting him over and over, sucking until his cheeks hollowed, swallowing the natural juices that exuded from Jol’s pores, whipping his tongue over the main member’s sensitive tip. All the while his staves filled with more heat, more excitement, until he ached with need. The idea of sinking his main shaft into the Nobek’s warmth, of pumping against his carved ass in the tight grip of his sleeve, of jetting molten cum inside—it was almost too much to bear. Yet Ospar concentrated on his lover’s excitement, thrilling to Jol’s quickening gasps, to the feeling of his fingers knotting in Ospar’s hair.
Jol used that hold to pull the Dramok off his spasming length. “Ospar, you have to stop. I’m going to lose it if you don’t give me a second.”
Ospar rose up on his knees and grinned. He made a half-hearted attempt to not gloat. “I guess I do remember a thing or two after all.”
Jol’s gaze narrowed. “You are a sexy bastard when you don’t talk.”
“I can be sexy when I talk.”
“No, you’re too big of a shit. Everything that comes out of your mouth makes me want to shove it back in with my fist.” He started laughing, his cocks standing straight up and trembling as he did so.
Ospar scowled, despite the fact his heart thumped fast at the sight of the gorgeous Nobek. Jol was too stunning when he smiled. If the asshole would give him some slack, Ospar might learn to like him.
Wanting to gain the upper hand on a level beyond sexual, he sneered, “Were you too far gone in a rage to enjoy how your cock filled my ass last night?”
Jol quit laughing, his gaze sharpening. “Oh, I felt it quite well.”
Ospar didn’t miss how the Nobek’s dicks jolted at the reminder. He kissed Jol’s groin, all around the avid spears, speaking between each wet mouthing. “Really? How was I? Tight? Hot? I bet you enjoyed shoving this big, powerful cock deep inside me. Fucking me with all your strength. Fucking me until you couldn’t hold off for another second, until you had to fill me with your seed. You came hard, Jol. I wondered if you’d ever stop.”
Jol stared at Ospar, his fists clenching the linens as his eyes went dark. Ospar crawled forward, ending with his face hovering over the Nobek’s, his ass poised an inch from the other man’s primary mast.
Maybe he was making a mistake in not sinking his arousal into Jol while he had the chance. Ospar would doubtless not have the opportunity again. This was a one-time fuck. Yet it was happening because he owed Jol.
It wasn’t about Ospar’s pleasure, though he’d had to admit he was enjoying the encounter. Jol would end up with the better part of the deal, but Ospar had no complaints. With that in mind, his gaze fixed on the purple stare of his lover, the Dramok lowered himself down. He enclosed Jol’s larger erection with his ass.
The angle was perfect. Jol was wet, allowing him to slide in with little effort. He laid quietly as Ospar took him in, letting him absorb the hot, firm length at his own pace. Ospar bit his lip and moaned as his body yielded to the delicious invasion he inflicted on himself. At the soft sound, Jol grabbed his thighs and squeezed, his pupils enlarging.
“That’s it. Take my cock.”
The Nobek’s length moved over Ospar’s hotspot. The Dramok’s head fell back, and he cried out to the ceiling. Jol growled, hips jerking upward, pushing deeper.
Ospar planted his hands on Jol’s chest, glaring down at him. “I won the bet. My pace, or I call your honor into question.”
Jol bared his teeth at him, but the expression was more fierce enjoyment than threat. “Then fuck me, Dramok. Fuck me with all the desire in your being.”
The raw wa
nt in his face made things inside Ospar quiver with bliss. When was the last time he’d been stared at with that level of hunger? Had anyone ever stared at him the way Jol did? If they had, Ospar couldn’t remember it.
He sank down on the Nobek, impaled on the thick shaft that pressed on all the right places. Ospar shook his head, disbelieving despite the increasing surges of need that warmed him from cocks to his skull. “Why do you feel so damned good? You perverse son of a bitch, how dare you drive me crazy and feel this amazing.”
“Ride me, Dramok,” Jol insisted, his grip moving from Ospar’s thighs to span his hips. He urged him upward. “Fuck me with that hot, snug ass of yours that feels like paradise.”
“Ancestors, help me,” Ospar groaned, and rose up.
Jol’s spear rubbed against his cumspot as he slid outward. The sensation made Ospar’s eyes roll. Darts of sheer rapture danced from the contact. He moved slowly, drawing the sparks out. His lengths, standing out as inflexible as battering rams, jerked with the surges of heat racing through them.
He slammed down, taking Jol fast. Ospar cried out as a blast of exquisite bliss raced up his spine. For an instant, his groin and ass seized, everything squeezing tight as thunderous delight rolled through him. Jol’s yell joined his.
“Uh-huh.” Ospar rose once more. “That—that’s what—I want.” He repeated the quick and demanding re-taking, causing them both to shout again. His primary dripped sweetness onto Jol’s belly.
As he started to lift again, Jol released his hips and laid hold of Ospar’s cocks. The Dramok shuddered to feel those strong fists snaring him at the bases of his dicks. His hands, using Jol’s chest to prop himself up, clawed at the Nobek’s flesh. He moved up, letting Jol slide outward. His lover’s tight hold drew down his slick cocks towards the tips with the same deliberate slowness.