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Alien Conquest Page 7

  The Dramok cap­tain looked at the dis­play and nearly dropped the de­vice in shock. The screen de­picted art­work of two dark-skinned Earth­ers cop­u­lat­ing.

  He stared at the ex­cit­ing pic­ture. “Are you sure this was hers, my Nobek? Most Earth­ers wouldn’t dare pos­sess such ma­te­rial. The pun­ish­ments for these of­fenses are se­vere on their planet.”

  “It car­ries her scent. For an Earther girl pur­su­ing re­li­gious stud­ies, her choice of read­ing is shock­ing, but not sur­pris­ing.” Li­don snorted and quoted from the Book of Life. “‘If you would make a man de­sire a thing, tell him he can­not ever pos­sess it.’”

  Tra­nis sniffed the tablet, tak­ing in the aroma of salty musk. He went as hard as De­gorsk. He didn’t try to con­tain a shiver of de­light. “How good to know Cas­sidy is al­ready tempted by her body’s nat­u­ral urges. That should make se­duc­ing her eas­ier once she’s caught. Have you set the track­ing sen­sors?”

  Li­don pulled a lo­ca­tor from his belt and con­sulted the read­out. “I’m mon­i­tor­ing her move­ments at all times. For now, she’s keep­ing to the shafts where we can’t fol­low.”

  De­gorsk stood and stretched as best he could in the claus­tro­pho­bic cham­ber. “She’ll come out sooner or later to eat, es­pe­cially since you con­fis­cated her stash of ed­i­bles.”

  “The con­vent’s kitchen is in an­other build­ing. Hunger and thirst will even­tu­ally force her to chance a run for it.”

  Tra­nis changed the topic. Ad­dress­ing De­gorsk, he said, “I re­al­ize your re­sources are stretched thin what with so many Mataras to re-ed­u­cate, but I need to know when I can in­ter­ro­gate the gen­eral.”

  “I’ve got a cou­ple tech­ni­cians au­top­sy­ing the trans­port’s cap­tain. We should have re­sults later to­day.”

  A high-pitched scream trav­eled through the vent shaft, the cry dis­tant. All three men looked at the cov­ered open­ing.

  “The Mataras are wak­ing,” Li­don ob­served, his voice dry.

  De­gorsk tossed Tra­nis the head cloth and moved to­wards the open door­way. “They won’t scream for very long. At least not in fear,” he amended with a smirk.

  “What pro­to­col are you us­ing for their re-ed­u­ca­tion?” Tra­nis wanted to know. He took in a breath from the head cov­er­ing Cas­sidy had so re­cently worn. A clean, sweet scent as­saulted his senses. Li­don grinned as Tra­nis sighed. The erec­tion that had been calm­ing was back in full force.

  De­gorsk paused in the door­way. “The first or­der of busi­ness in­volves be­hav­ior mod­i­fi­ca­tion tech­niques.”

  “Be­hav­ior mod­i­fi­ca­tion?”

  “We’ll be em­ploy­ing a sys­tem of re­ward and pun­ish­ment. There will also be some mild brain­wash­ing.”

  Tra­nis frowned. “How mild is mild? In­struct your cap­tain; this is sound­ing a bit ex­treme to me.”

  De­gorsk took no of­fense. His tone steady, he replied, “We’ll dis­rupt their sleep pat­terns and feed­ing sched­ules. We’ll tell them it’s night when it’s day or morn­ing when it’s time for sleep. That will keep them con­fused and doubt­ing their own senses.”

  Tra­nis re­laxed. That didn’t sound so bad, merely un­pleas­ant. “Then what?”

  “The next step will be mak­ing the women ut­terly de­pen­dent on us, fol­lowed by in­tense ther­apy to give them a sense of self-worth.”

  Li­don nod­ded. “Tear them down and re­build them.”

  The med­i­cal of­fi­cer gri­maced. “There’s not much to tear down, my Nobek. Earther women have the worst self im­ages of any be­ings in the known uni­verse. Their re­li­gion keeps them sub­servient to a ridicu­lous de­gree.”

  “Once they see how Kalquo­rian men re­vere fe­males, that will change.”

  De­gorsk didn’t look as if he was in to­tal agree­ment. “The reg­i­men rec­om­mended by the psy­chi­atric board back on Kalquor is go­ing to feel quite se­vere to these women. They’re fright­ened. They’ve been taught mak­ing love will damn their souls. Com­pelling them to face their sex­ual drives may even feel like force.”

  Tra­nis eyed his Imdiko. “Are you not in agree­ment with the pro­to­cols?”

  “I don’t know yet. I’ve read up on some of the find­ings by the board. The re­search they base their rec­om­men­da­tions on is still in its in­fancy stage. I’m go­ing to have to see how the women re­act to this course of ther­apy be­fore I can make any de­ter­mi­na­tions. Still, I do have con­cerns.”

  Li­don sud­denly took a deep breath, in­ter­rupt­ing their con­ver­sa­tion. “She’s here. Can you smell her?”

  Tra­nis went alert but dis­played no out­ward sign of overt vig­i­lance. Keep­ing his voice con­ver­sa­tional he said, “I can hear her.”

  Tiny whis­pers of sound came from the vent over­head. A hint of a drawn breath, the sur­rep­ti­tious trace of move­ment.

  Lean­ing against the door­way, his eyes cast to­wards the floor, De­gorsk added, “I hear her too. She’s com­ing close.”

  Li­don con­sulted his lo­ca­tor. “Close in­deed. I see you, lit­tle Earther. She’s prob­a­bly look­ing for her food stash.”

  “Can you catch her?” Tra­nis asked.

  He was dis­ap­pointed to see the Nobek shake his head. “By the time I get that cover off and climb in there, she’ll be back in the main shaft. I think she knows we’re here. She’s not tak­ing any chances of get­ting too near af­ter her ear­lier en­counter with me.”

  Tra­nis con­sid­ered, his eyes flick­ing to the vent. Know­ing his leader’s moods, De­gorsk asked, “What are you think­ing?”

  “That I’m very tired.” Tra­nis crossed to the bed and sat on its edge. It was bru­tally hard and too small for him, but he’d slept in worse cir­cum­stances. “I wouldn’t mind a nap right here on this bed.”

  Li­don smirked. “She does seem to have voyeuris­tic ten­den­cies. I found traces of her in sev­eral con­duits lead­ing to other sleep­ing com­part­ments. Hair, fab­ric, and fin­ger­prints were ev­ery­where. She’s been all over this build­ing, spy­ing on her com­pan­ions.”

  “What’s your opin­ion, Doc­tor?”

  De­gorsk grinned fit to split his face. “The real thing is much more en­joy­able to look upon than draw­ings. You’re not a bad ex­am­ple of our kind to en­tice a cu­ri­ous young woman.”

  “You’re shame­less with your flat­tery.” Not a bad ex­am­ple, in­deed.

  De­gorsk chuck­led at Tra­nis’ sar­casm be­fore adding, “Plus it will give you the rest I thought I’d have to drug you to get.”

  “You stay away from me with your sleep in­duce­ments. I mean it, De­gorsk. I have too much to do to be drugged for hours on end,” Tra­nis growled.

  Be­fore his clan­mate could ar­gue, the Dramok tapped his com. “Cap­tain Tra­nis to First Of­fi­cer Sim­dow.”

  “Sim­dow here, Cap­tain.”

  “How is our guest?”

  “Quiet now, though he did ob­ject to hav­ing his cloth­ing re­moved.”

  Li­don’s eye­brow crooked. “Per­haps we can use Hamil­ton’s re­pres­sions to our ad­van­tage when we ques­tion him.”

  Tra­nis nod­ded. “All right Sim­dow, I’m tak­ing a nap on doc­tor’s or­ders. You have com­mand. Re­port to me in two hours.” At De­gorsk’s protest­ing ex­pres­sion, Tra­nis re­peated, “Two hours, Sim­dow. No more.”

  “Yes, Cap­tain.”

  “Don’t ask me for stim tabs when you’re too ex­hausted to stand,” De­gorsk grouched.

  “The at­tack fleet is wait­ing on us. I have to get those se­cu­rity codes.”

  “To that end,” Li­don in­ter­jected, “I’m go­ing to be on the Earth trans­port for a few hours. It gets in and out of that se­cu­rity grid; there must be some­thing en­coded. With luck, we won’t need Gen­eral Hamil­ton at all.”
r />   He left with a last glance to­wards the vent shaft. “Our lovely is still there,” he said to Tra­nis as he walked out. “Give her a good show.”

  De­gorsk chuck­led. “While you tempt the sweet­ling, I’ll be over­see­ing the start of the Mataras’ re-ed­u­ca­tion.”

  Tra­nis pulled his knee-high boots off. “Imdikos have all the fun.”

  De­gorsk’s gaze flicked mo­men­tar­ily to the vent. “I think you’ll be hav­ing fun too. Don’t for­get to sleep.” He left, mak­ing the door slide close be­hind him.

  Tra­nis stood and crossed the room in a sin­gle step. Po­si­tion­ing him­self di­rectly across from the vent open­ing, he slowly pulled his form­suit off.

  Are you watch­ing, Cas­sidy? As I un­dress are you think­ing about all the things Li­don said, the fan­tasies he shared that aroused you?

  Bar­ing his chest, arms, shoul­ders and ab­domen, Tra­nis paused to stretch, mak­ing his mus­cles rip­ple. He heard a soft rus­tle from the vent. Cas­sidy’s scent, a musky-salty re­minder of Kalquor’s sea­side, wafted to him. He con­quered the urge to smile. She was a cu­ri­ous lit­tle thing.

  He in­spected his chis­eled pec­toral mus­cles and the dou­ble rows of bumps mak­ing up his stom­ach. He’d never been so aware of his own body. Run­ning his hands over his torso, he imag­ined Cas­sidy’s dainty lit­tle fin­gers on him, ex­plor­ing him all over.

  Tra­nis hes­i­tated be­fore peel­ing the form­suit from his lower body. What would she think when she saw the great­est dif­fer­ence be­tween Kalquo­rian and Earther anatomies? Would she be fright­ened? Re­pulsed? Or would it ex­cite her to know that a man of his species could of­fer her plea­sures no Earther could?

  He pulled the form­suit down, bend­ing over dou­ble to free his an­kles of the cling­ing fab­ric. Leav­ing the form­suit ly­ing on the floor, he slowly straight­ened, re­veal­ing his naked body to the girl in the ven­ti­la­tion con­duit.

  An in­take of breath re­warded Tra­nis as he stood ex­posed. Whether or not Cas­sidy liked what she saw, he couldn’t guess.

  He crossed the nar­row space to her bed and lay down upon it. Her scent hung heavy in the linens, and he grew hard again. His calves hung over the end of the small bed, and he shifted, try­ing to find a com­fort­able po­si­tion. He fi­nally gave up on that im­pos­si­ble quest. Tra­nis closed his eyes to wait for what­ever Cas­sidy chose to do next.

  A soft, slid­ing sound in­formed him of her cau­tious ap­proach to the vent’s open­ing. Her quick breath draw­ing in and out was eas­ily au­di­ble to his sharp ears now. Tra­nis imag­ined her look­ing down on him, her eyes tak­ing in what might be her first live naked male.

  His hands crept to grip his erect flesh, made more ex­cited by the girl’s voyeurism. Nat­u­ral lu­bri­ca­tion made him slick, easy to stim­u­late. Tra­nis rubbed him­self in long, de­lib­er­ate strokes, squeez­ing the base for ex­tra plea­sur­able sen­sa­tions. He groaned low in his throat, tak­ing de­light in know­ing she watched him. Her breath­ing grew louder, and the aroma of fe­male grew heav­ier in the air.

  The sound and smell of Cas­sidy’s arousal drove him wild, and Tra­nis worked him­self hard, gasp­ing with on­com­ing or­gasm. His grat­i­fi­ca­tion wasn’t long in com­ing, and he shouted as hot juices spurted from his throb­bing cock to warm his fist.

  As spasms racked his groin, he thought of the sweet pale girl hid­ing above him, watch­ing him suc­cumb to the great­est plea­sure known to man and not know­ing she was the cause for it.

  I hope you en­joyed the show, Cas­sidy. Very soon, you’ll be a par­tic­i­pant in­stead of a spec­ta­tor.

  * * * *

  Cas­sidy watched the hand­some alien male strain on her bed, whitish fluid puls­ing from the larger of his two glis­ten­ing sexes. He groaned as he gripped each of the ap­pendages, still rub­bing him­self fast.

  Two sex or­gans! Cas­sidy’s breath came in quick pants as she watched him plea­sure his pro­fane bul­let-shaped flesh. The an­a­lyt­i­cal part of her mind noted with clin­i­cal in­ter­est that the ends of his penises ta­pered rather than bloom­ing in mush­room shapes like the pic­tures in her dirty book. That was fas­ci­nat­ing, though not sur­pris­ing when she thought about it. Dif­fer­ences be­tween aliens and the males of her own species were to be ex­pected no mat­ter how sim­i­lar their peo­ple may be. But why on Earth did Kalquo­ri­ans have two penises?

  Even as Cas­sidy won­dered with in­tel­lec­tual cu­rios­ity about the man ly­ing on her bed, her hands bus­ied them­selves be­tween her legs. Over­come by the vi­sion of the naked alien and see­ing his devil flesh ex­posed, her body had clam­ored for the sweet re­lease he now en­joyed. Her fin­gers rubbed the hard pearl of her sex, and she shud­dered as warmth built in her loins.

  Cas­sidy couldn’t take her eyes off the Kalquo­rian’s two sexes, which were shaded slightly darker than the rest of his skin. Was one meant for small women and the other for larger fe­males per­haps? She couldn’t imag­ine her body tak­ing the big­ger of the two. That thick girth, sit­u­ated in front of its neigh­bor, would be too much for some­one her size. Be­sides, if the alien used the mas­sive length to breach her sex, the smaller cock might slip into her most taboo ori­fice.

  Cas­sidy’s clit sent su­per­heated shocks of de­sire through her nether re­gions, as if the idea of anal pen­e­tra­tion ex­cited her. That was im­pos­si­ble, how­ever. She only re­sponded to the bliss of her touch. She’d never want such a pro­fane, sin­ful act as to be en­tered that way. She couldn’t.

  The alien re­laxed as the last pulses of bliss eased from his loins. Cas­sidy stared at the milky fluid on the back of his hand, slowly seep­ing to his carved ab­domen. Only the big­ger of the two penises had emit­ted the man’s juices though he had stim­u­lated both. How in­trigu­ing.

  Some pic­tures of her book had shown women tak­ing male sex or­gans in their mouths. She won­dered if the long-ago lovers had tasted the honey that erupted from their men.

  Cas­sidy won­dered what the Kalquo­rian be­low her tasted like.

  A bolt of rap­ture seized her lower re­gions, and waves of bliss rolled through her belly. She bit back the cries fight­ing to es­cape her clenched lips as cli­max gripped her body. If the man be­low heard, he might catch her. If he caught her, he would force one or both of his thick mem­bers into her.

  An­other blast of ec­stasy swept through Cas­sidy’s guts, twist­ing them in de­li­cious frenzy. This time a whim­per did squirm out of her throat. She shud­dered in the clutch of ag­o­nized de­light. Her mind con­jured an im­age of the mas­sive alien hold­ing her down and tak­ing what he wanted as she lay help­less be­neath him. The thought only seemed to in­ten­sify the plea­sure pour­ing through her.

  She didn’t know how long the spasms held her pris­oner. It felt like an eter­nity passed while her belly clutched and eased, clutched and eased. Slowly, the pulses of en­thrall­ment ebbed. Cas­sidy thought it had been at least half a minute be­fore her think­ing brain re-as­serted it­self. The mo­ment she re­gained co­her­ence, she looked at the re­clin­ing alien’s face.

  His eyes were still closed, his mouth curled in a smile. The hand­some, bearded alien had turned stun­ning with that re­laxed look of plea­sure cov­er­ing his face. Had he heard her small sounds of bliss? Or did he sim­ply wear the ex­pres­sion of a man in the af­ter­math of car­nal de­light?

  Cas­sidy had seen how fast the aliens moved. Li­don, de­spite the limp that slowed him, had come within a frac­tion of an inch of catch­ing her. This man had no phys­i­cal lim­i­ta­tions that she could dis­cern. If he sud­denly lunged at the vent with that Kalquo­rian quick­ness, would he snare her? The time spent pulling the cover free might not slow him down enough to keep him from do­ing so.

  Her hands slip­pery from her juices, she backed qui­etly to­wards the main con­duit. As she moved away
from her cell and the man oc­cu­py­ing it, she thought she heard a deep chuckle.

  Once Cas­sidy had gained the nar­rower con­fines of the main shaft, she paused to con­sider her next course of ac­tion. Her cache of snacks, what she’d orig­i­nally dared the dan­ger of cap­ture for, was gone. So was her reader. She warmed to think of the aliens turn­ing it on and dis­cov­er­ing the last book viewed, but that bit of em­bar­rass­ment faded in the face of her most press­ing con­cern. She was hun­gry and thirsty. Though she knew she could sur­vive sev­eral days and maybe even weeks with­out food, she couldn’t trust the aliens would leave be­fore she had to drink.

  A far-off scream in­ter­rupted her thoughts as it echoed through the ven­ti­la­tion sys­tem. Mo­men­tar­ily dis­tracted from wor­ry­ing about food and wa­ter, Cas­sidy set off to­wards the end of the build­ing where the in­fir­mary was lo­cated.

  As she crept down the long pas­sage, she men­tally ticked off the names of the as­pi­rants’ cells she passed, the wider shafts al­low­ing light in to see by. Su­san. Amy. Zaneta. Marci. Darci. Brenda.

  Cas­sidy paused as a thought in­ter­rupted her in­tent to in­ves­ti­gate the scream. Brenda was a de­pressed 14-year-old girl who sent fre­quent mes­sages home beg­ging her par­ents to bring her back to Earth. Im­pos­si­bly rich and busy with un­end­ing so­cial en­gage­ments that sent them trav­el­ing the world, her mother and fa­ther con­stantly put her off. They salved their con­sciences by send­ing their lonely daugh­ter lav­ish care pack­ages filled with ex­pen­sive soaps, ex­otic per­fumes, and foods from around the planet.

  Cas­sidy’s stom­ach growled at the thought of Brenda’s stash of pro­vi­sions, jeal­ously guarded by the for­lorn girl. Brenda shared with no one, and though other as­pi­rants grum­bled about her self­ish­ness, Cas­sidy un­der­stood her mo­tives. Given so lit­tle love, Brenda clutched at ev­ery tiny crumb of her par­ents’ re­gard.

  Look­ing down the shaft to­wards Brenda’s cell, Cas­sidy no­ticed how much of the light was blocked off. Like Cas­sidy, it seemed that Brenda had taken to hid­ing her good­ies in the vent.