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Shalia's Diary Book 11 Page 7

  Seot’s cry preceded an involuntary thrust of his hips, feeding me even more Kalquorian heavenliness. I sucked and swallowed happily, exulting in having him in any part of me. I was aware of his pants easing down his legs, baring him to his knees. I promptly forgot about his knees (though they truly are fine knees, if you’re into that sort of thing) and went for his larger primary cock. I delighted in the sensation of the thick vein on the underside pounding against my tongue, in his gasps as I pleasured us both.

  I heard a couple of sharp smacks, the sound of something slapping hard against bare flesh. Seot uttered a slight, pained sound. He jerked. With each of those thundercracks, he thrust into my mouth. I had no chance to consider what was going on. The vibrator cranked up again, thrumming snugly against my clit and G-spot. My eager mouthing of Seot’s cocks became more enthusiastic, as if it were he I should reward for the waves of pleasure rising in my belly. In my growing ecstasy, I didn’t care who was responsible. All I knew was the thrill of a man’s hot, thick flesh in my mouth and passion filling me to the point of overflowing.

  Then the gorgeous assault on my nether bits stopped. Larten grabbed me by the nape of my neck and pulled me away from my luscious, shuddering Dramok. “Your Imdiko is feeling left out, my love. Go give him some attention too.”

  I noticed the rubber paddle in his other hand. I guessed Larten was returning the favor of the spanking to the whole clan. If getting his butt toasted by his Nobek was a problem for Seot, his stiff cocks were no measure of it. It was nice to realize he could put aside his tendency to rule for the pleasure of his clanmates.

  I was knee-walking again, moving clumsily across the sleeping mat with Larten’s assistance. It was especially awkward with the plug and dildo stuffed in me—not to mention it made me a little crazy to have stuff rubbing other stuff as I moved. I was still in the grip of Larten’s venom, and everything felt a hundred times more intense. I swear I could detect even the air currents wafting against my nipples, which were as stiff as Seot’s cocks. I could have cut glass with my tits, they were so stiff.

  Cifa looked at us coming toward him with anxious anticipation. He glanced from my face to Larten’s paddle, his eyes constantly moving as if watching a tennis match. He might have dreaded the coming discipline, but similar to Seot, it had no effect on his libido. His dicks were pushing at the crotch of his pants with identical enthusiasm.

  “More of the same, Shalia,” Larten told me. “You’re doing an excellent job. Keep it up so no one is disappointed. Least of all, me.” He waved the paddle around in warning.

  Too bad my butt was already sore from the previous spanking. The idea of a vigorous paddling while sucking my clanmates brought a surge of interest that lit me from head to toe. Oh well, maybe next time.

  Damn straight there’s going to be a next time.

  I went to work, opening Cifa’s pants’ front like he hid precious jewels in there. It was probably not five seconds later before I had him in my mouth, making him cry out with pleasure. A moment later, the paddle slapped. He cried out in pain, shoving forward to escape. That put him down my throat, and his shout went wild with exhilaration.

  The vibrator turned on again. Elation drowned out Cifa’s continued yelps. I devoured him, as if thrilling our Imdiko would somehow get Larten to keep the device humming until I was granted climax. I wanted it so bad. My insides twisted tight, clenching yet again on the merciless dildo, begging for release. Pressure built, making me feel huge and bloated with need. My head moved faster and faster, bobbing desperately over Cifa’s main cock as his hips continued to jerk, feeding me all of his length.

  Then the vibrator went quiet once more, leaving me weeping from frustration. Even the spicy-sweetness of pre-cum on my tongue couldn’t make up for the ache of my pussy as I was denied. Larten took that away too, pulling me from the groaning Imdiko.

  “Return to your Dramok,” he said in a bright, happy tone. It was plain that Larten was having plenty of fun at our expense.

  Back and forth between my two bound clanmates, sucking them while Larten whacked their asses. The vibrator switched on and off, making me crazy and denying orgasm over and over. The room filled with our groaning torment. We were made miserable by way of arousal.

  After what seemed like an eternity of that sadistic play, Larten pulled me from Cifa yet once more. However, he didn’t send me over to Seot again. Instead, he pulled open the crotch of his own pants, freeing his veined cocks and allowing them to bob before my face. “You may enjoy me now,” he said. “I expect the same enthusiasm you’ve given to the others.”

  Ha! My initial thought was, as if I’d give him anything else. I was having to hold myself back from lunging at him. Somehow I managed to slip my lips around his main cock gently, enfolding it with care to incite him to sigh in pleasure. He’d wanted enthusiasm and he would get it. However, I planned to register a bit of protest at his treatment of us. I started slow, savoring the weight of him on my tongue.

  “Ah, you’re good at this,” Larten said. “So very good. Let’s have that energy I crave.”

  Instead of letting me dictate the pace, however, he clenched a handful of my hair and held me still. His hips pumped to slide him in and out of my mouth, going faster and deeper with each thrust. The lower cock left at wet trail down my chin and throat. He watched my face, his eyes growing darker at what he saw.

  “That’s it,” he crooned. “Pretty little girl, dutiful little girl, having her mouth fucked by her Nobek. Let me feel that tongue now. Stroke me with it. Oh, that is perfect. Exactly like that. Swallow my cock, lovely Shalia.”

  I had no choice but to do so. He drove all the way in before resuming shorter strokes. I gloried in my helplessness; my hands bound behind my back, on my knees, Larten holding my head and shoving himself in. Drops of his pleasure coated my tongue. I had the idea he might come in my mouth, taking his pleasure and denying me mine. For some reason, it excited me.

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” he suddenly said, mocking contrition slipping across his intent face. He continued to slide back and forth between my lips. “I’m afraid I was focused on how terrific I feel. I forgot all about making sure you continued to regret your poor decision earlier. Let’s resume that.”

  The vibrator switched on. I moaned against the mouthful of flesh he fed me as harsh and devouring desire fired my guts. Larten’s eye hooded with pleasure. “That’s right. Moan for me, precious. Tell your Nobek you’re sorry. You may swallow my cock again. Oh yes. Take all of it, naughty girl.”

  My body rioted, crazed from the forceful manner he took me and the vibrator driving me towards an orgasm I knew I wouldn’t be allowed to complete. Another in my position might have cursed being tormented the way I was. Not me. I adored my harsh taskmaster. The more he made me take, the more I was determined to surrender.

  I don’t know how long he admonished me for my earlier behavior. It felt akin to an eternity that I endured the vibrator being switched on long enough for me to experience the first surges of climax only to be denied. His cock used my mouth forever and ever, delighting me with the pleasure I provided. Yet it was not long enough to show Larten all I wanted to give to him. There will never be enough time for that, I’m afraid.

  It seemed far too soon when he turned the vibrator off for good and pulled himself from my clinging lips. He patted my head with a smirk before walking over to Seot.

  “Come over here, my Dramok,” Larten invited with a happy tone. “You can watch me fuck her. You too, Cifa. I want you to see my cocks enjoying her sweet tight pussy and ass.”

  “If I promise you anything you want, including never helping either clanmate win over you again, will I be allowed to enjoy fucking her too?” Cifa asked.

  Larten pretended to consider the matter as he put the two men at the foot of the bed where they could view everything about to take place. At last he would only answer, “We’ll see.”

  “In other words, no,” Seot grimaced. His cocks were so swollen, they had tilted towa
rds his stomach.

  “In other words, we’ll see,” Larten corrected.

  He turned me so that I knelt facing away from them. The harness came off. He bent me over so that my head and chest rested on the bed, my ass up in the air.

  The ass plug came out first, slowly. I imagined Larten taking great pleasure in making the other two imagine it was their cocks retreating from me. His tone was gloating as he said, “Look at her, open and ready for my primary. I’m going to enjoy putting it in her and you two watching as I do so.”

  He was more intent on driving the rest of us crazy when it came to the vibrator. He pulled it out and pushed it back in. “Look at that. Look how her pretty pussy takes it.” He switched on the power so that the clit cover moved against me with each inward thrust. “Listen to her moan. Notice how wet she is? Oh, that will be incredible around my cock.”

  I don’t know how they dealt with it, at least not at that moment. It took all I had to not shove against the toy Larten used on me. The only reason I stayed still and let him torment me was because I had hopes of being rewarded. I shook and I shuddered, but I stayed in place while he fucked me with the toy.

  Finally, even Larten had had enough. He tossed the dildo to the side. With a happy sigh, he sank the real things into me. I groaned to feel warm, slick flesh enter mine.

  Larten fucked at a leisurely pace at the beginning, talking on and on about how I felt to him: hot, wet, tight, soft, clenching, clutching. He was determined to give Seot and Cifa a play-by-play of every nuance he experienced to go along with their view. My moans and whimpers added to the live action show. They gained in volume as Larten quickened the pace and power of his thrusts.

  “Watch her take my cocks. Do you see her pussy and ass taking all of me?” Larten gasped as our bodies slapped together.

  Seot and Cifa answered with groans. They panted damned near as loud as the man fucking me. Cifa was making desperate noises from time to time.

  “Listen to her come for me,” Larten demanded. He grasped my swollen clit and rubbed. Sensitive after the vibrator, I needed only a few seconds of that before my world blew apart. I cried out as the starting blast rendered the world a blinding white. Larten kept rubbing, kept me coming hard.

  Through the cataclysm, I heard Cifa utter a loud moan. Wet heat shot across my buttocks. “Fuck,” he ground out. “Fuck.”

  Then Seot groaned. Another damp jet from the opposite direction. More groans and something muttered about Larten being an asshole.

  Our Nobek laughed, a breathless, choked sound. Then he cried out. His cocks jerked, emptying inside me.

  We had all gotten off, but half of us not in the way they’d hoped. Larten was happy though. He cheerfully smacked each ass before taking the cuffs off us.

  I was as loose as jelly, so revenge was nowhere on my radar. The black glares my Dramok and Imdiko gave Larten caused me to sense they might try something—but then Anrel made a crying noise, which had us all checking the monitor.

  “I’ll go,” Larten said, fixing his shorts before speeding out of the room. A moment later, he appeared on the nursery vid, checking at Anrel and stroking her head as he ensured she was okay. It seemed to me she’d gone immediately back to sleep, if she’d wakened at all.

  I watched Larten looking after her. I watched Cifa and Seot gazing with gentle expressions at their clanmate and child. I thought of the future children I wanted to have with my clan. I had a vision of sons and more daughters, all of them loved by the four of us. That reminded me of Hina, and how I’d feel if I shared her inability to bring living daughters into the world. The idea of not being able to have my beautiful Anrel or this sublime moment of being a parent with three doting men—it was too much to imagine. Yet Hina and so many other Kalquorian women had to live with that loss each day.

  If I’m ever not grateful for my amazing fortune for half a second, I hope someone kicks me right in the ass.

  January 24

  I was surprised to have little to report to Dr. Cafir during my regular appointment today. “I guess I’ve been too consumed with Anrel being kidnapped to pick apart my relationship with my clan,” I told her. “I’ve been so grateful to have the guys nearby that I haven’t had a moment to second-guess our bond.”

  “Do you believe the abandonment concerns will return?” she asked me as she bounced Anrel on her knee.

  “They probably will, don’t you suppose?” I scowled. “I’d love to imagine I’m cured so quickly, but that’s not how it works, is it?”

  “Usually not. Yet as traumatic as the temporary loss of your daughter was, it gave you some of the proof of your clan’s reliability that you crave so much.”

  “There is that,” I sighed. “What a way to learn a lesson though.”

  “Do you sense you’re all recovering from that terrible occurrence?”

  I shrugged. “We’re not hovering over Anrel nonstop like we were before. We’re all still kind of jumpy though. You know, we’ll be doing something and one of us will suddenly look to see where she is, if she’s okay.”

  “Normal behavior following such an occurrence. It will fade with time. Don’t be too hard on yourselves at this point.”

  She smiled at Anrel, her gaze on my baby soft. I suddenly wondered if Dr. Cafir had children. If she’d given birth to any daughters—and if they’d lived.

  Was it hurtful for her to hold Anrel as she did now? Cafir conducted herself with warmth, but maintained a professional distance without fail. I knew nothing of my therapist’s clan or her history. It wasn’t my business to know about her life. I was here for her help. Yet I couldn’t help but think of her in a different light after what had happened with Matara Hina.

  Poor Hina. I wondered how hard on herself she was being. And if her clan was rallying around her as mine had. If they were all as nervous as my clan was, worried that trouble would strike again out of nowhere.

  I didn’t realize I’d drifted off, considering my daughter’s abductor, until my surroundings swam back into focus some minutes later. I blinked to find Cafir watching me patiently.

  “A short mental journey?” she asked. “Where did you go?”

  I shook my head at myself. “I was thinking about Matara Hina. I do that a lot.”

  “Do you have the need to confront her?”

  I blinked. “Not at all. I just wonder if she’s okay. I guess I’m worried about how she’s doing.” I gazed at Anrel and suffered sorrow for Hina’s situation. “I’ve always felt a little guilty when I’ve noticed Kalquorian women staring at Anrel with so much hurt and want. I feel worse for Hina.”

  “It’s not your fault you were able to have a healthy baby girl when they couldn’t, Shalia.”

  I sighed. “I understand that. It’s sad though. I mean, I could probably have another two or three daughters before I’m finished. More, perhaps. And Hina can’t have even one, not one that will live. I really wish I could do something for her. It would help me not feel so bad.”

  Cafir gave me a long, considering look. “Perhaps you could help each other.”


  “I believe you need closure on this issue with Hina. Hina would probably benefit from finding out that what she’s done is forgivable. Would you be willing to participate in her therapy?”

  I stared at her, my mouth wide open. I must have appeared utterly idiotic, but in true Dr. Cafir fashion, she only continued to give me that patient, interested look she’s perfected.

  “I could do that? There’s an order that says she has to keep a certain distance from me and my clan. Wait, didn’t they say we could rescind that? Because if we can, yeah, I’d love to do whatever I can to help her.” I was jabbering a mile a minute as I grew more excited by the opportunity.

  “You need to discuss it with your clan,” Cafir said in her typical understated way. “Meanwhile, I’ll check to find out who Hina’s therapist is. If I can find out, I’ll make contact to discover if your participation would indeed be of any benefit to her. That�
��s supposing Hina herself will agree to it. You both have to profit from it.”

  “Okay. I’ll talk with the guys tonight.” I hugged myself. If Hina and her therapist were on board, I wouldn’t have to wonder about how things were going for her. I’d be there to see her improving.

  I guess I’m attaching too many of my own supposed feelings if I were in Hina’s situation. I’m letting myself obsess over her well-being, because of how easily I identify with what she’s gone through. I hope she’ll be open to me helping her to a better emotional place.

  I was darned near jumping out of my skin with excitement when my clan got together at the end of the day. That was at dinner. The matter had potential to be shot down by my clanmates, so I was glad they were all in a decent mood.

  I didn’t dive right in. Instead, I asked about everyone’s day. I was interested in finding out if the guys’ pleasant dispositions stemmed from a generally decent round of work, or if their agreeable demeanors came from relief that they were done with responsibilities for the night. That sounds rather conniving, doesn’t it? I suppose it was, but I was a woman on a mission.