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Page 6

  He tried not to notice how her hem rode up her legs as she settled on the edge of the mat. He tried to ignore his mind’s picture of pushing her down onto her back, of pulling her dress up to reveal her treasures. Of parting her thighs and covering her with his body. Of sinking his cocks deep into her warmth.

  Nako cleared his throat. “Tell me about your escape. How did you steal that ship?”

  “Prince Yel’ek had arrived from the Bi’is homeworld to oversee the transport being loaded and readied to launch.”

  “Do you mean the death ship, with the infected women?”

  “Right. The whole scheme was dreamed up by him. He was in charge of it, at any rate. I’d planned to slip onto the ship myself as one of the women, in hopes of somehow warning your people before too much damage could be done.”

  “Quite selfless of you. And dangerous.”

  “I should have been dead a million times over anyway.” Something dark shadowed her expression. Before Nako could comment on it, she sat up straighter and resumed her story. “I was attending my master, Dr. Wari’det, the scientific leader of the virus project. So was Ob. Wari’det was performing one of those ritualistic kowtowing ceremonies to the prince, who had just arrived. You know how they are.”

  “A rite for every action. I wonder how they approach wiping their asses after taking a dump?”

  Piper snickered and made a face. “I have no idea, thank the prophets. Ob was supposed to offer a goblet of Plasian wine to the prince as part of the routine. Poor thing, he got so nervous—he always did around our master because he was punished so often. Ob tripped and splashed the wine all over both Dr. Wari’det and Prince Yel’ek.”

  Nako whistled. “Bi’isils have taken exception to lesser mistakes.”

  “Ob would have been executed, but not before subjected to incredible torture. Wari’det turned his collar’s punishment setting all the way up.”

  Piper blinked hard at the memory, fighting back tears. Nako found it hard to believe anyone with sense could cry over a Tragoom. Ob really was far from the norm.

  When he thought Piper was getting control over her emotions, he prodded, “Then what?”

  “I took advantage of the distraction. I’d swiped the knife from Wari’det’s chief punishment servant several weeks before, in case I needed it while sneaking on board the transport. I couldn’t handle Ob’s screams, not even with all that was at stake. So I killed the prince and attacked my master. I probably killed him too, though he was still yelling when I left. I turned off Ob’s collar and forced him to run for it. Fortunately, we didn’t tip off station security, and Ob’s collar wasn’t reactivated until we took off in the prince’s ship and got some distance from the station.”

  “I’m going to do something about this death ship. You have my word on that. Is that adequate for you to surrender the files?”

  “Do you really want me to tell you where they are?” Piper’s tension eased. Her smile, though guarded, was fabulously mischievous.

  She must have hidden the information in an interesting place indeed. Contemplating where a small file drive might be secreted raised the hairs on Nako’s head. The urge to take her assaulted him yet again.

  He kept his gaze steady on her face. “I might have a way to transmit the records to the Imperial Fleet.”

  “In that case, you’ll find the file drive attached to the underside of Ob’s, um, babymaker. I suggest you ask him nicely to hand it over.”

  Nako stared at her. All thought of intimate encounters fled. He damned near felt nauseous. There was nothing like the idea of Tragoom dick to kill those lustful urges.

  “I’m sure there are more disgusting things I could think of, but my brain is frozen,” he said, his words coming slowly. “I’ll have you procure the drive.”

  Piper laughed outright at his discomfort. “I figured as much. I told you it would be the last possible place you’d look.”

  “Mother of All.” Nako shook his head, trying to dislodge the image that erupted in it. “When did you give Ob the drive?”

  “The instant you showed up as we were trying to escape the hunter-killer. I figured it would be harder for you to take the drive from him than me, if I had to hold out on you.”

  Hold out on you. Nako was sure she still wasn’t telling him something, especially when her features shadowed again and she glanced away. He couldn’t put his finger on what that might be. On the surface, she answered his questions readily.

  He needed to gain her trust, to convince her to volunteer answers for the questions he didn’t know to ask. Not daring to shift his gaze from hers, he knelt at her feet. It seemed the most nonthreatening pose, though it put him too close to the level of her thighs. Ancestors, how he yearned to dive between them. The scent coming from her…

  “Matara, I’m sorry if we frightened you. As you said, it’s hard to figure out what’s happening in such a situation. I’ll do all I can to take care of you. Tell me what I can do to make things better.”

  Did she dare to hope? Piper wondered that as she gazed at the Kalquorian at her feet. For all his rough edges, Nako acted capable of gentleness. Of kindness. Would he allow Ob to live despite the enmity their species had held for centuries?

  And what happens when the whole truth comes out? How understanding will he be when he finds out all of it?

  Maybe he wouldn’t figure it out. It wasn’t such a big deal anyway, not in the overall scheme of things.

  Piper had done her best to save untold numbers of lives. Perhaps she wasn’t going about it in the most open manner, but she was doing good. That had to count for something.

  Didn’t it?

  Chasing off the nagging concerns, she smiled at the riveting male before her. “You’re already doing all I could ask. Thank you, Captain.”

  “Nako. Call me Nako, please.”

  “Nako. I’m grateful to you for not pushing Ob and me out of an airlock.”

  Nako laughed. The deep, rough sound vibrated through her. It made him more handsome than before, refusing to let the scattering of thin scars override the attractive face he’d been born with. In fact, the slight disfigurements lent him a dangerous air that warmed, rather than warned her away.

  Whether behaving in a kind or threatening manner, Nako was compelling. Since she’d been considering all her options in getting him on her side, at least for Ob’s sake, it was a good thing she found him alluring. If he shared any of the same pull for her…

  She hoped so. It had been quite some time since anyone had been that kind of nice to Piper.

  He regarded her with those intense purple eyes. “Is there anything else I should be aware of? Anything that might help me save my people?”

  Another twinge of worried conscience. But no, she had told him the important parts. “Everything on the file drive is all I know.”

  She saw the flicker of doubt in his expression. Even so, he patted her knee and kept smiling. “All right.”

  She had to keep him from second-guessing her. He had to be fully committed to helping everyone. As sacrifices went, Piper don’t mind this one. Not with him.

  She covered the hand on her knee with her own. Gripping tight, she dragged his palm up her thigh. “I fear I haven’t made it clear how grateful I am to you, Nako. I’d like to do that now.”

  She caught the startled widening of his eyes before closing her own and diving deep into a kiss.

  Chapter 7

  After a moment’s shock, Nako returned her kiss. With interest. His lips firmed beneath hers before parting. His tongue swept into her mouth, tasting her in a frenzy of desire. Excitement sizzled through her nerve endings.

  Nako was not tentative in any respect. He shoved against Piper, pinning her to the bed, his hands running up and down the length of her body. The Kalquorians on the lab station hadn’t been so enthusiastic, at least not to start with. They’d begun slow with her, moving carefully until need swept them into vigor.

  The raider captain went at her with gusto from
the instant he’d realized what she offered. He kissed her with unrestrained passion that left her breathless. His hands sought bared flesh, shoving her shift up over her breasts so he could touch everything with roughened skin. Since she had no underclothes, there was nothing he couldn’t explore, and he did so exuberantly.

  His full-steam-ahead enthusiasm didn’t frighten Piper. On the contrary, passion infected her, and she slung her legs around his firm ass, pulling him close. Was that armor, or were his cocks truly that hard? It mattered little. His crotch was perfect to rub her clit against, to send thrills through her pussy.

  He pinched her nipple, sending a shard of exquisite anguish through her breast. Piper’s breath caught at the pain. Nako was rough, his mouth bruising hers as he devoured her with a violent kiss. It would be worse when he took her with his twin cocks. She’d not been with a man since she’d been pulled from the lab, since her run of experiments with Kalquorians had ended with their executions. Maybe Nako wouldn’t be conscientious and prepare her for double penetration as the others had.

  Good. I deserve it. Too many sins to count, and not nearly enough penance has been paid. I want him to hurt me.

  Nako released the kiss, rising up to yank her shift off over her head. He stared down at her, bestial with hunger. Piper, already wet, creamed harder at his stare.

  His growl was that of a feral animal. “Lovely Matara. I’d dare a hundred enemy fleets for this.”

  He didn’t wait for a reply, but shoved her up higher on the bed, so that her legs no longer hung over the edge. Nako went down so fast, he was little more than a blur that didn’t resolve into man again before his mouth latched onto her cunt. He feasted, his lips and even teeth pulling at silken flesh, tongue diving deep inside and swirling all around.

  Piper screamed at the ecstasy that barreled through her. It grew monumental, fed by the man smothering himself in her womanhood. She grabbed handfuls of his cotton candy-soft hair, pulling and twisting in rapturous agony as he sucked and licked and nipped with abandon. Her reaction seemed to excite him, and he went at her harder yet.

  How long did he gorge? Piper lost all sense as Nako indulged himself, ignoring her cries and writhing, except to hold her down so he could continue to enjoy her. No amount of pleading for a moment’s peace gained his mercy.

  In a strangled scream, Piper warned, “I’m coming! I’m coming!”

  Nako snarled and at last released her—but only to fasten onto her clit. He sucked on the swollen flesh, rubbing a roughened tongue over it.

  The tan-and-blue room was lost in brightness. The world froze. Then a shock blasted through Piper’s cunt, traveling up her belly and spine, driving the breath from her lungs. An endless eternity of bliss flowered within, an instant so exquisite she wished to die and never know anything else.

  Her gulping sobs rang with the surges of pleasure beating through her, in time with Nako’s fingers, pushing in and out of her, fucking her. He watched her as he drew the orgasm out, caressing her clit with a calloused thumb.

  “That’s wonderful, Piper,” he gasped. “I love how your pussy clamps down, how it flexes. It’s going to feel so good when it’s doing that to my cock.”

  She could only moan as he drew continued pulses from her. Sweet prophets, she was still coming. Ripples of delight chased over and over through her sex.

  Nako licked his lips, watching his digits work in and out. “I was worried at first that you’d be a virgin. I wouldn’t have been your best choice for a first lover. I’ve never been tender. In fact, as badly as I crave fucking you, I’m afraid to do so.”

  “I’ve been with Kalquorian men. I realize what’s involved. And if you hurt me, that’s okay. It can’t be any worse than the collar.” The words burst from her, unfiltered.

  “That collar.” Nako’s gaze went to her throat. “We’ll have to get rid of it. As for hurting you…no. I won’t do that.”

  Piper was seized by a terror he would leave her. Suddenly, it wasn’t merely a matter of seducing Nako into helping her on her mission or to keep Ob alive. It wasn’t even about the punishment she deserved, or the absolution such penance might bring at long last.

  She needed someone to stay close. To hold her, if only for a little while. Someone with whom she could pretend she was worth loving.

  Piper sat up, clasping her arms around Nako’s neck. “Don’t go. Please, don’t go. Don’t leave me alone.”

  Nako’s confusion at her desperate plea was obvious. Equally as apparent was the storm in his eyes as he debated whether or not to give in to his desires. He wanted her. Piper was sure of it. He just required that extra push to eclipse his concerns.

  Piper fell back and stroked herself, moving against his embedded fingers. She moaned at the renewed stabs of elation, praying Nako wouldn’t move away.

  He cursed softly before shoving her hand aside and bent to lap at her clit. Piper’s cry at the jolt decided him. An instant later, he returned to mouthing her, his wet digits pushing into her backside, preparing her for his secondary cock.

  He used two, demanding the muscles of her smaller orifice stretch. The ache was brutal, immediate. Piper shoved her fist against her mouth, biting into the knuckles as she surrendered to the baffling excitement of pleasure mixed with pain.

  Punish me. Do it. Give me what I deserve.

  For a second, she thought she’d be given the true torment her soul begged for. Nako stopped mouthing her, leaving her with only the anguish of his thick invasion burrowing into her rear. Piper dove into the torture with the same enthusiasm she’d greeted carnal enjoyment. Guilt seeped from her, taking its heavy poison from her being.

  Yes. Please. Hurt me.

  A jolt of agony on her inner leg, so exquisite it almost registered as delight. But it was gone quicker than she could indulge in it.

  Piper peered down. Nako was biting her, his fangs buried in the meat of her thigh. Piper stared at him with a mix of anticipation and disappointment.

  He injected her with an intoxicant that occurred naturally in pits at the bases of his hinged fangs. It would render her helpless with arousal and turn any pain into bliss. Piper would not be winning absolution from this encounter. Nako’s venom would see to it that she received only the greatest in sensual satisfaction.

  The tug of discontent was quickly consumed in euphoria that left Piper moaning with eagerness. She ached to be filled with the Kalquorian captain. Her ass too, now finding his scissoring fingers to be enthralling, a prelude to the invasion she hungered for more than anything.

  Nako’s touches, all of them, disappeared at once. Piper cried out, her vision hazy as she looked for him. He stood at the foot of the bed, yanking his boots off, then peeling the black formsuit from his magnificent torso.

  Scarred flesh stretched over a body so muscular, he seemed carved by the sharpest of chisels. Piper drank the vision of Kalquorian male, as if she could be satisfied by looking alone. Every tendon, every vein, stood out from bulges and valleys without end. His thick, tapered cocks stood straight out from his groin, livid and glistening with the same excitement that made her slick for him. A need she would satisfy, even if it killed her.

  Nako crept up on the mattress until he crouched between her splayed legs once more, his gaze steady on hers. “Offer yourself,” he muttered in his rough growl of a voice. “Present yourself for my use.”

  Piper bent her legs up so she could clasp her knees. Opening to him. Surrendering everything. Showing she was his to fuck until he reached gratification. Sacrificing all for his desires.

  Gasping as if he found it difficult to get oxygen, Nako lowered his hips toward hers. His primary settled against her pussy. Snuggled in the first inch. Piper gasped at the sensation of joining, that initial forging of man and woman.

  Another half-inch, and the secondary cock bumped her rear. Piper relaxed into the careful invasion, her eyelids fluttering at the remembered and much-missed joining that had been the height of indecency on Earth. As Nako’s girth increased and
the familiar ache of double penetration grew, so did her hunger for it.

  She’d missed fucking a Kalquorian.

  “Look at me. I want you watching me.” Nako’s whisper sang through her elated senses. She focused on his face hovering over hers, the scarred visage magnificent as he watched her expression.

  “You’re beautiful,” she sighed.

  A gruff chuckle spilled from his lips. “You’re high on my venom. Am I hurting you? Are you all right?”

  “It’s amazing.” Piper glossed over the throbbing of her ass and pussy, the strain of accepting such a big man. It fed the heady thrills shivering within her, increasing the elation. “Don’t stop. Please, don’t ever stop.”

  “Fuck.” His groan vibrated through her, sending a jolt of excitement through her entire being. “This is much better than I remember it being with a woman.”

  “I’m glad to please you.”

  “Maybe not when I finish too fast. Matara, you have no idea how incredible you are.”

  “I wish that was true. At least I can do this right.” To validate that claim, Piper arched against Nako, driving him in deeper, faster.

  “Ancestors!” His shout accompanied an abrupt thrust, driving him all the way in, impaling Piper with violent pleasure that drove a scream from her lungs.

  She came again, orgasm a ferocious thunderclap that made her ears ring. Piper was aware of Nako crying out, that she’d wrapped her arms and legs around his powerful frame, that she moved against him, rubbing her clit against his groin, driving her pussy and ass up and down over his lengths, taking him with fierce need for the pain and gratification that fucking awarded her.

  “Sholt!” he bellowed, dropping his weight on her to force her to go still. The Dramok clawed the bedding, kicking as he moaned.

  “Can’t…breathe,” Piper gasped, wriggling desperately under what had to be over two hundred fifty pounds of muscle.