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Alien Revolt (Clans of Kalquor Book 11) Page 13

  Piras stared at the com with disgust. “I cannot train entire crews on the seamless running of destroyers in such a short amount of time.”

  “I don’t care about seamless. A messy victory is still a victory. I mean to see Haven wiped out of existence rather than tolerate its presence any longer. All you need to do is punch a hole in the Imperial defenses and send out an Earther battle drone.”

  Piras went cold. Sitrel had not been kidding when he talked of using the monstrous devices to vaporize the civilians living on the farming community. Maf had gone insane in his lust to purge Earthers from the Empire. There was no other explanation.

  It was all Piras could do to summon his most reasonable tone. “Give me two weeks. I can’t guarantee victory unless you give me the time.”

  “You can and you will. One week, Admiral Piras, or you will be relieved of command. Basma out.”

  The com frequency went dead. It was just as well. Maf would no doubt have sent in an assassin had he heard the enraged curses and threats against his life which poured from Piras’s throat.

  Chapter 10

  Hope sat on her bed, hard at work after a long day of trying to decode important Kalquorian messages and coming up empty. She squinted through her magnifying goggles, having decided the lens she’d tried out the last few times wasn’t letting her build as quickly as she wished. It was a shame. The goggles gave her a headache.

  She’d managed to score a few more micro-components through bargaining, trickery, and outright thievery. More listening devices seemed warranted after discovering the potential that her father’s Kalquorian allies were in contact with the Basma. She wanted to trust Piras and his men, she really did. Yet she knew it was better to be sure. Lives were on the line.

  As she worked to fuse the miniscule computer board to the main body of the device, a movement off to the side warned her that she was not alone. Her head jerked up. Through the distortion of the goggles, she saw the form of a large man. With a gasp, she knocked the goggles off. Lokmi stood there, an easy smile brightening his bronze face.

  He held his hands up, as if to reassure her there was no threat. “I’m sorry to startle you. There’s no way to unphase in a non-surprising way.”

  “Sweet prophets, what are you doing here?” Hope pretended she was only a little pleased to see him. She set her work on the bedside table.

  Lokmi unclipped what appeared to be a portable medical scanner from his belt. “I wanted to get biometric readings on one of you. I need to make sure the phase devices I’m constructing will work for Earther physiology.”

  “Oh. We’re not close enough in biological makeup?”

  He sat next to her. His gaze searched her face, as if he attempted to memorize it. “Maybe, but for a self-contained device, I want to make sure.”

  “You got the tech from another race, didn’t you?”

  Lokmi nodded. “The original devices could phase anyone of any biology because they used a separate control machine. We’ve had to radically change the design.”

  “Not practical for your uses?” Hope was delighted he would talk shop with her, a female. Earther technicians, of whom were all men on the Sword of Truth, couldn’t be bothered to take the time.

  “The phasing mechanism we confiscated from the alien was too large to be portable, and its range was too small. That’s why I’m so impressed with your miniaturization work. It’s quite good, and I’m betting you could make my configurations for the phase devices even better.” Lokmi eyed her laptop desk with overt greed.

  “I’d love to work on something like that.”

  Lokmi gazed into her eyes for a moment, not speaking. Hope studied him in turn and felt a pang of want. He was smart and handsome to boot. It would be so much easier if he were Earther. It would be even better if he were the only one she was attracted to.

  Why did she insist on being complicated?

  Lokmi shook himself and uttered an embarrassed laugh. “Sorry for staring. I haven’t seen many Earther women up close. Let me get these readings and I’ll stop bothering you.”

  Hope had a thought. If she acted on it, it would serve many wants, some she didn’t care to admit to. “You’re not bothering me, Lokmi.”

  He glanced at her again, perhaps surprised by the huskiness of her tone. Hope was jarred by the intensity of his stare, of the raw masculinity which was somehow different from Kila’s blatant virility. Her sex gave a hungry throb. It was her turn to drop her gaze.

  She cleared her throat. “Can I ask you something personal?”

  The knowing chuckle gave her leave to look him in the face again. “Let me guess. Clans?”

  She was glad he didn’t find her nosiness offensive. “It’s a fascinating system, somewhat like our marriages, right? Except it’s three men and one woman.”

  He bent over his scanner, tapping the controls. “When a full clan can be made. We’re lopsided in that way, aren’t we? With so few females, there is little choice but to share.”

  “That’s the one reason for the men to be part of a unit?”

  “Not really. We men care for each other. In many cases, we can’t imagine life without each other. Piras and Kila are amazing. I count myself lucky to be their intended Imdiko.” He frowned.

  The three men of her fantasies were a unit. Well, almost. “They’re already clanned to each other? And you plan to be part of their union?”

  Lokmi’s frown deepened. “As soon as I get over a few things. It’s a bit complicated.”

  “How so?” Hope leaned close, fascinated there was some hitch to the perfect threesome. “If I’m not prying too much.”

  “Well, it is kind of personal.” Lokmi set the scanner down and regarded her for a moment. “Ah, what the hell. I warn you though, it’s a boring story. It will sound like I’m doing a lot of ‘poor me’.”

  He explained about his dual-breed status. About how he felt the needs of his strong Dramok side were discounted by most, in favor of his official Imdiko status. How his fears of being treated as less than an alpha in his own right kept him from joining Piras’s clan.

  It wasn’t boring at all. Hope was transfixed to hear about the categorization tests Kalquorian males were given to provide them a clear path into adulthood. Yet Lokmi’s reasons for holding off clanning with men he admitted he loved confused her.

  “I don’t understand. If you do plan to join their clan no matter what, why shouldn’t you just do it?”

  His expression was earnest. “I want to. I feel like my heart is ready to stop each time I try to utter the words though.”

  “You don’t trust them?”

  “Of course I do, with every fiber of my being. I know they won’t stomp on my need to exercise some leadership qualities. I simply need to get used to the idea.”

  Hope gave him a skeptical expression. “I don’t know, Lokmi. It sounds more like your control issues are making a last stand.”

  He cocked his head, his brow furrowing. “What do you mean?”

  “Think about it. You don’t have a good reason to not join their clan right now, except that by doing so, you’ll lose a little bit of control over them. You won’t be able to make them jump through hoops anymore to prove themselves to you once you’re their Imdiko. It may be subconscious, but you’re still making a power play.”

  Lokmi spluttered, words tumbling over themselves as he started to refute her opinion. “No, that is—it is—you don’t—“

  The attempt to counter died off as realization began to dawn in his blue-purple eyes. His mouth dropped open and he stared at her in amazement.

  Hope nodded. “Don’t you hate it when your psyche pulls crap like that and you don’t even realize that’s what’s happening?”

  “By the ancestors. Is that what I’m doing?” His shocked reaction turned to irritability.

  “I’m no expert, but that’s what it seems like to me.”

  “Well—damn. And here I thought I was starting to get a handle on it all.” His sullen expressio
n switched to shame. He was a regular encyclopedia of emotions, Hope thought. “You must think I’m stupid.”

  “Not at all. People make those sorts of mistakes all the time.”

  “I’ve strung them along, all because I can’t see the truth right in front of me. Ancestors, the last person who needs crap like this is Piras. Before Kila, he had a Nobek lover who kept him hanging for sixteen years. I swore I wouldn’t do the same thing!”

  Lokmi seemed vulnerable in his misery. Somehow, the open contrition made him more appealing than ever. Wondering if she were having her own blindly stupid moment, Hope placed her hand on his and squeezed. “I think you Kalquorians are more like us than different. I’d like to test my theory, if you don’t mind.”

  With that, she leaned in and placed a tentative kiss on the surprised Imdiko’s lips.

  Hope had never kissed a man. She’d regarded rebellion and romance as an impossible mix. She’d seen her parents kiss, had chanced upon them doing so passionately, but it was not something she knew how to do.

  Lokmi knew. After a moment’s frozen amazement, he kissed her back. His soft lips firmed beneath hers. His arms gathered around her, pulling her in close, right onto his lap. She gasped to feel him against her, so solid even where there was no protective armor.

  When her lips parted, Lokmi’s tongue flickered between them. He was tasting her. Enthralled by the sensation, Hope tasted back. Their tongues twined together in a serpentine dance which left her breathless.

  Kissing was glorious. Hope had been missing out.

  The intimacy of the act, sharing herself in such an unguarded fashion, had another effect. Hope’s sex felt warm and melting, like rock in a volcano turning to lava. Pleasure she’d only known from touching herself flared to life, craving more of the delicious experience.

  She forgot the original motive that had made her question Lokmi about clans and given her the chance to kiss him. Hope moaned and moved against the man, delighting in his physicality. Her breasts were small, but soft. She gloried in being pressed against the granite strength of the Kalquorian.

  Lokmi pulled back, breaking the kiss. He stared at her. The cat-slit pupils had widened until his purple irises were nearly eclipsed. In a breathy voice, he asked, “What is this all about?”

  “You don’t like me?” Hope’s voice was more plaintive than she had intended. Not a sexy voice at all. Almost whiny, because she desperately wanted to keep kissing him.

  Oh yeah, I had another reason to seduce him too.

  Lokmi’s suspicious look told her the plot was in danger of being discovered. “I like you. I most certainly do. But this level of interest is rather sudden for a repressed Earther.”

  “Maybe I’m too curious to be repressed.”

  “Maybe you want something from me. I’m not talking about sex either.”

  Hope knew she’d been caught. There was no point in pretending otherwise, not with a man as smart as this one. She huffed in dismay. “Okay. I kissed you because I wanted to guarantee you’d give me the phase device for Charity. She’s in danger, Lokmi.”

  He scowled, but not at her ruse. “Did Copeland bother her again?”

  “No, but it’s coming. I know it is.”

  He gave her an understanding smile. “Hope, I vow to get you and your father and sister phase devices. That’s why I came here tonight, to make sure they’d operate perfectly and keep you safe. You don’t have to throw yourself at me.”

  Hope tried to ignore the jolt of disappointment. “Okay. I didn’t know what I was doing anyway.”

  She thought he picked up on her tone, because his expression gentled. He stroked her cheek. “Did you like kissing me?”

  She was embarrassed, but it didn’t occur to her to not answer. “I…yes. I didn’t know kissing felt like that. You seem to know what you’re doing.”

  “I’ve had a little practice.” His grin was bright, then it became a more dangerous expression. “I don’t suppose you’d like to practice yourself? Maybe work on those seductress skills?”

  The teasing tone made her scowl, but her pussy warmed again. She was wet as well, damn him. “What if I did?” she challenged.

  “I’m always in favor of a person improving herself. I’d be pleased to help you, of course.” He took her hand and pressed it to his groin. Hope gasped to feel how swollen and hard he was there. “Do you feel how pleased I am, Hope?”

  There was just one way to answer such a question. She crushed her lips against his.

  Lokmi responded by shoving Hope on her back on the surface of the bed. She bounced right back up and grabbed at his uniform. The seam running down the front purred open, a soft counterpoint to the violent tug.

  In turn, Lokmi groped her with eager hands, exploring her roughly. Hope returned the favor, exploring the smooth, hot skin of his chest. She felt clumsy, having never groped a man except in fantasy, but the Imdiko didn’t seem to mind. In fact, her touch gave every indication that it excited him.

  He made one query about the speed they moved at. “Too much? Slow down?”

  “Are you kidding? I’ve been dying to see one of you naked. The sooner I do, the better.”

  “Good, because I feel the same way about you. I’ve been dreaming about your legs since last night.” Muttering something about ‘stupid clothes’, Lokmi grabbed the ugly brown shirt and pants which made up Hope’s work outfit. He tugged the top up and the bottoms down. The overlarge shirt came off easily, but the pants tangled around her ankles. With a muttered oath, Lokmi wrestled them off, yanking Hope on her back again as he did so. He ran his hands over her bared shins, calves, thighs. “Ancestors, these legs. These legs are killing me. So gorgeously shaped.”

  “I want to see yours too. And everything else.” Clad in bra and underwear, Hope reared up again. The Kalquorian’s uniform was a one-piece affair, and she had to shove it past wide shoulders, down bulging biceps and chest, and over his carved, round ass. His boots stopped her past the knees, but that wasn’t the only reason she halted.

  She froze, face-to-groin with a pair of cocks. She’d heard tales the Kalquorians were doubly endowed, had accepted it might be the truth, but seeing the dual sexes—long, thick, and pointed like brazen battering rams—made terror leap in her heart.

  Lokmi gripped her chin and tilted it so she gazed at his face instead. “Don’t be afraid, Hope. I’m not going to hurt you. I swear it.”

  She was no longer gazing at his cocks, but she was terribly aware they were mere inches away. A strong scent, much like cinnamon, filled her nostrils. It was a good smell, but it mitigated none of her fright. “How can you not hurt me with those? They’re huge!”

  He chuckled, the warm sweetness of his expression trying to calm her. “I’ve done this before. Fit them into tight places, that is. No one has complained so far.”

  His comments were a little reassuring, as long as she didn’t stare at his twin terrors. “I guess I should have disclosed I’ve had no experience with sex. Ever.”

  “Then I can go very slowly and carefully. Or I can stop right now. I’m not going to make you do anything you don’t want to.”

  His gaze was kind, though brutal desire lurked behind the compassion. Lokmi wanted her. There was something animal in his demeanor, something barely restrained which should have made him dangerous. How could the desire she saw lurking beneath the caring veneer be leashed?

  Somehow, it was. Hope was certain Lokmi did not lie. He would not claim her unless she agreed to it.

  He was so big though. “I can’t handle what you’re, uh, equipped with.”

  “You can. It might be uncomfortable to start with, but you’re made to adjust.”

  “You’ve been with Earther women before?”

  Lokmi shook his head. “I’ve read about your kind though. Studies and books have been written explaining how things work best between your people and mine.”

  Hope crooked a brow at him. “You’ve researched how to have sex with humans?”

e Imdiko snickered. “You’re not going to fault a man for hoping, are you? I like women. There aren’t enough Kalquorian women to expect I’ll ever get to explore having a meaningful relationship with one. So yes, I tried to educate myself as much as possible on how to make an Earther woman enjoy having sex with me on the off-chance I’d get the chance.”

  Hope thought about it and had to laugh. “This sucks to say, but you are probably more of an expert on it than I am then. I haven’t got a clue what I’d like from a man.”

  “Each woman is different. We’ll have to explore the possibilities.”

  Hope considered. Another peek at Lokmi’s cocks brought a flash of dread. She was afraid of sex with him. She didn’t see how the hell it could work.

  Yet somehow, she felt safe with Lokmi. Something about him told Hope she was in no danger. A sense of security enveloped her as he waited for her to make up her mind.

  Hope liked the aura of shelter he projected, as if she might find sanctuary in his arms. The urge to explore the impression, as much as sheer lust, moved her towards giving sex a try.

  She made herself check over the whole package, to appreciate one of her infatuations in the bare flesh. Monstrous cocks notwithstanding, Lokmi was a sensual feast for the eyes. His body was a sculpted masterpiece, as close to perfection as she could imagine a man could be. The idea of feeling his naked flesh against hers made her insides tremble.

  “If you damage me with those things, I’ll take them off you,” she warned.

  A bark of laughter erupted from Lokmi. He grabbed a pillow, covering his face to smother his mirth. Hope snickered at his amusement. Because it felt good to be lighthearted, she kept her humor by averting her gaze from his manhood.

  Once Lokmi recovered, he sat next to her. He pulled off his boots and peeled his uniform away. He turned to her and stroked her hair.

  “Any time anything gets to be too much, say so,” he told her.

  “I think I already did,” Hope said, still keeping her sights up and away from the twin terrors. “Do you get frequent backaches from the weight?”