Alien Embrace Read online

Page 10

  “Am I as pretty as the women on your planet?”

  His gaze softened. “Their look I forget. Your beauty sends memory away of other women.”

  Amelia shook her head at the morsel he offered her. She teased, “You’re a charmer, Flencik.”

  He placed the tray on the floor. When he looked at her again, he wore a puzzled frown. “No a charmer. I am an Imdiko.”

  Amelia thought to explain her meaning but decided it would be too much effort. “Yes,” she agreed. “You’re an Imdiko. The nurturer of your clan and damsels in distress.” She knew she flirted, but what was the harm in that? Hadn’t she already broken every Earth law to do with morality?

  Flencik stroked her hair and face and traced her lips. Amelia’s heart sped up. Damn, why did she find these Kalquorians so desirable? How did she keep getting herself into these situations?

  The doctor’s breath warmed her mouth as he spoke. “I wish you would be Matara for this clan. I would nurture you. I would care to take you all your life. I would fill all your needs.”

  Flencik’s arms slipped around Amelia and held her close. She inhaled, drinking in the cinnamon scent of him. He was aroused. The medication he’d given her still gripped her in its languid aftermath. She felt soft, pliant to both his and her own desire. Amelia let the big man kiss her with a deep thoroughness that warmed her entire body. His mouth gently devoured hers, and she twined her tongue around his. She pressed upward in his embrace, wanting his hard strength against her. Moreover, she wanted him in her.

  Besides, she owed him. Flencik had taken the insanity of pain from her, a miracle Amelia would gladly sell her soul to the devil for. Screw those worthless fools on Earth. He can have anything he wants, she thought rebelliously. Her sex throbbed in enthusiastic agreement as he tasted her mouth.

  Flencik lowered Amelia onto the lounger. His mouth descended to suck on one sweatshirt-covered nipple, sending warm sparkles through her. The heat of his mouth seemed to lick throughout her entire body, and he worked the stiffening tip with enthusiasm, making Amelia squirm beneath the luscious attack.

  As he moved his voracious maw to her other breast, she felt the trickle of her sex coming alive, as if it sent her melting insides down her thighs. “Anything,” she whispered, unaware she’d spoken aloud.

  She shivered as the Imdiko nipped at her breast with bared teeth. The sting only fed her swelling arousal. Amelia raised her arms in unspoken surrender, wanting more of the sweet pain-pleasure. Flencik obliged her by pulling her shirt off to nuzzle at the soft mounds of flesh. He suckled hard as if he’d devour them whole. Amelia moaned as he feasted.

  The massive alien moved farther down, kissing the soft flesh of her belly, licking the cup of her navel with his cat-scratchy tongue. She sighed and giggled, at once turned on and tickled by his touches. The laughter ended as his mouth latched onto the fabric over her crotch. He ran his tongue over the seam of her sweatpants, teasing the swollen bud that ached to be naked to his attention.

  “Wet,” Flencik grunted, looking up at her face with half-lidded eyes. “I wish taste to you deeply. You need to me satisfy you.”

  Oh yes, how she desired his mouth on bare, eager flesh. “Please Flencik,” she moaned, forgetting right or wrong. There was no judgment, no guilt for misdeeds. Amelia only needed him the way he so obviously wanted her to.

  The Imdiko’s smile turned almost cruel, and he stood. His fingertips curled into the waistbands of her pants and panties. He peeled them off her in one sweeping movement.

  Flencik looked down at her, his broad chest moving with deep breaths. Amelia lay still on the lounger, silently offering him her defenseless body. His darkening eyes raked over her as he pulled his clothing off. His two penises stood revealed, rigid and glistening with lubrication. She ached to take him in her mouth, to fill her senses with his spicy-sweet flavor.

  “Anything?” he asked, his voice rough with need.

  “Anything.” Amelia’s heart pounded. The offer she made scared her, but at the same time she was excited to gift him with whatever he desired.

  Flencik grasped her ankles, pulling them apart, and kneeled between her spread thighs. His head darted down with the speed of a striking rattlesnake, and he drank from her sex with her legs draped over his shoulders.

  The feeling of the Imdiko’s avid mouth closing over her clitoris made Amelia’s back arch in reaction. Dear heaven, the elation! A burst of the purest pleasure shot from the tiny nub to fill her belly with molten ecstasy. A tiny cry flew from her lips. He sucked on the pink button, sending a violent shockwave throughout her body. Amelia arched harder than ever, as if she could fold herself backwards. Flencik’s tormenting left her helpless against the bucking of her pelvis. Her breath sobbed through her parted lips as he fed from her womanhood. His tongue probed, flicking in and out of her, stopping now and then to suck at her freely flowing moisture. Then he battered her swollen clitoris with his wicked tongue again. She gasped and moaned and cried out at the varying intensity of the contact. Her stomach tumbled and churned with roiling passion that stole her very breath.

  Amelia’s orgasm was rushing upon her when Flencik’s mouth left her pussy. She whimpered in need, her hips thrusting shamelessly at his retreating face. She needed to come.

  The Kalquorian’s cruel smile returned. “We go now slow.”

  Amelia wailed. The release had been so close and Flencik had denied her. She reached for him, and he swatted her hands away as if flicking a fly. “Obey, Amelia. I command you. Be obedient for to your pleasure come.”

  His face drifted towards her sex again, so she made herself quiet, enjoying the rush of anticipation.

  Flencik’s fingers spread the soft petals of her sex, opening her completely to his scrutiny. He stared at her secret flesh, his breath warm on her. Feeling at once vulnerable and thrilled to be so scrutinized, Amelia spread her thighs wider.

  Flencik slowly lowered his head, and Amelia sighed with expectation. The rough alien tongue lapped her juices, this time keeping away from her pleasure bud. After each lick, Flencik swallowed with deliberate slowness, his expression telling her he relished the taste of her. Amelia’s desperate need for climax settled into steady pulses of gentler pleasure. She sighed again as the tip of his tongue probed her anus and flattened out to sweep a path to her sex’s lips.

  The Imdiko’s tongue narrowed to press an entrance into her sex. In and out it pushed into her center. Amelia closed her eyes, wanting only to feel him and what he did to her. Slow pulses of enjoyment suffused her belly.

  Flencik’s mouth and tongue left her. She opened her eyes. He straightened until her ankles rested on his shoulders. His penises probed at her secret flesh.

  His sudden thrust buried him to the hilt in her softness. Amelia cried out from mingled surprise and pain. She clawed at the soft lounger beneath her as her body fought to adjust to the abrupt invasion.

  The brief burst of hurt disappeared moments later, soothed by the delicious friction of his strokes. Flencik held her legs against his chest, pulling her closer as he thrust himself into her. Feeling the massive lengths rubbing the sweetest parts of her had arousal billowing huge once more. Flashes of erotic lightning broke within, bringing orgasm closer by the moment.

  The Kalquorian watched his cocks drive into her over and over, his eyes heavy-lidded with feral lust. His upper lip wrinkled back, displaying long, needle-thin fangs half hidden behind his blunter, more human teeth. Like a vampire, Amelia thought, watching the fangs with a combination of desire and fear. Did he want to bite her? Did Kalquorians drink blood? What would it feel like if he plunged those fangs into her skin?

  The liquid sounds of his sex sliding through hers was punctuated by the heavy slaps of his body pounding against her with greater and greater force. Amelia grunted with each blow as he drove her hard. His groin brushed her clit, adding those bright daggers of elation to her bliss. The delicious fullness that bordered on pain grew in her belly as he took her powerfully. She held on to
his broad, sculpted shoulders, willing the explosion to come.

  Flencik rocked against her and the ticklish heat built to an inferno. Amelia struggled to keep quiet so he wouldn’t know how close she was. He must not deny her this time. Her efforts were to no avail, however. Her pleasure demanded a voice, and she cried out as it grew beyond the bounds of her belly. “Please let me, please Flencik, please don’t stop…” her begging became incoherent.

  In response, the Imdiko rode her harder and faster, pushing her over the brink. She came, clawing at his chest as her lungs burst with ragged cries.

  Flencik howled and drove his face against the side of her neck. She felt a quick sting as his fangs sank into her throat. She crested with fresh orgasm, feeling his mouth clamped over her skin, the teeth sunk deep in her flesh.

  His sex pulsed as he emptied a hot flow of seed within her. Amelia screamed her ecstasy as Flencik rode her mercilessly, bringing her to orgasm after orgasm. He pulled his fangs out and sucked at the wound he’d made. She heard him swallow. As he drew on her blood he growled against her neck, a devouring beast. With each pull of his mouth, Amelia’s sex spasmed in helpless pleasure.

  He could rip out my throat, kill me right now, and I wouldn’t care, was Amelia’s only coherent thought. Being possessed by this biting, snarling alien who rutted like an animal made her strangely euphoric.

  Flencik pumped his hips against her with a final shudder. He rolled over on his back, taking her with him so that she lay on top of him. Amelia rested her cheek on his heaving chest as they quieted. She felt like her limbs were made of spaghetti, but the languor was sweet. In fact, all of life seemed sweet. Quiet joy pulsed through her entire being.

  At last Amelia lifted her face up and saw the scratches she had left on Flencik’s skin. Angry red welts lined up in ragged rows across his shoulders and chest. She blinked slowly and traced her fingertips over them. “Did I do that to you? Flencik, I’m so sorry.”

  He rumbled laughter and kissed the top of her head. “Marks of honor, little one. They will jealous make Rajhir and Breft.”

  “Does it hurt?” As Amelia asked, she was aware of the irony of her inflicting damage on the brute.

  “It stings. It gave much me excitement.” Flencik grinned at her. “I am no can wait to make you do it again.”

  “You want me to scratch you?”

  “Small pain, more pleasure. Like my biting your neck you made excited. You climaxed many times.”

  Amelia expected to feel embarrassed, but her relaxed euphoria persisted. What’s wrong with me? she wondered, not really caring.

  “I don’t like to hurt others,” she sighed.

  Flencik smoothed her hair back. “Tender Amelia. It is no real hurt. It to pleasure you so makes me happy.” He grinned, deviltry filling his expression. “How do you feel?”

  “So relaxed. But exhilarated too. I don’t want to move.” She watched his humor deepen. “What? Did you do something to me?”

  “It is the bite.” He opened his mouth wide. Amelia watched fascinated as his hinged fangs descended from the roof of his mouth. Slowly they folded back up, like a rattlesnake’s. “The teeth are hollow. When a Kalquorian bites, we our victims inject with substance to intoxicate. For us, the bite makes to arouse and obey. I guess for you it produces euphoria.”

  “Am I a victim?” Amelia snuggled against his warmth.

  “I hope you do no so feel.” Flencik stroked her hair. “Kalquorians also use it when love making on each other. It enhances the experience. I did no bite to you make victim. I wanted to only you give pleasure.”

  “Mission accomplished.” She giggled.

  He laughed and sat up, placing her in his lap. “I wish I did no to need send you away, but you must relax. I have much work do.”

  “Why can’t I rest here?” Amelia wanted to stay. She felt too lazy and content to leave.

  “Because Rajhir and Breft return soon. They give you no rest if they to see you.” Flencik leered at her to imply how his clanmates would keep her busy.

  Amelia had no will to protest, little as she wanted to leave. “All right,” she pouted.

  “Good girl. You will quiet to be the rest of today, and you can paint tomorrow.”

  Flencik cleaned, medicated, and bandaged her bite wound, promising the pinpricks would be healed by the next day. He tried to help her dress but made the mistake of stopping often to kiss and caress her. She clung to him, her desire growing.

  “Don’t tease unless you’re ready to make good on it,” Amelia cried, rubbing up against Flencik’s powerful body. He chuckled indulgently and laid her back on the lounger. He kissed her deeply, his searching hands finding her wet and ready again. She groaned as he pressed fingers into her sex and anus, expertly stroking inside her

  while his thumb flicked her clitoris. His free hand kneaded her breasts, gentle one moment, cruel the next. She sobbed as he easily brought her to climax once more.

  After that, the Imdiko quickly pulled her clothes on, denying himself further access to her silky flesh. “You must to go now, before the others return. I already have tired you too much.”

  He picked her up as Amelia whimpered a protest. It felt so good to be held in his strong arms. She wanted to remain the rest of the day. Perhaps even all night.

  His excuses notwithstanding, Amelia couldn’t figure out why Flencik seemed anxious for her to leave. Surely Rajhir and Breft were capable of keeping their hands to themselves for a change. Was Flencik angry with her? Had she done something wrong?

  Amelia supposed once the intoxication of his bite wore off she would be grateful he had sent her home. No doubt she’d deal with a guilty conscience for once more succumbing to lust. Yet for now, she couldn’t help but sniffle her disappointment.

  “Please do not upset be, little one,” Flencik whispered as he opened the door to the outside. “I do what is best you for.”

  He carried Amelia to her shuttle and kissed her long and deep before setting her inside to lie on the cushion. He sighed with regret. “So much work. When I am finished, you will return.” He entered her apartment address into the shuttle’s computer.

  “Thank you again for making my hands better. You can’t imagine how good it feels to not hurt anymore.” Amelia meant it with all her heart.

  Flencik smiled and kissed her goodbye. “Remember, rest today. No painting. You for wait tomorrow.”

  “I promise.”

  * * * *

  When Rajhir and Breft returned to the quarters after their meetings, Flencik wasted no time opening the front of his formsuit and showing off the marks of passion Amelia had dealt him.

  Rajhir ran his fingertips over the long, red welts, his eyes dark. He adored his Imdiko, but that didn’t keep jealousy from stabbing deep. “That little Earther did all this damage? Did you bite her?”

  Flencik made a face that said he didn’t like his sexual prowess questioned. “Yes, but only moments before she lost control. The venom had no time to produce that kind of effect on her.”

  Rajhir eyed his Imdiko suspiciously and noted Breft did the same. Flencik stared back and waited. There was no subterfuge in his demeanor. Since Flencik had never been able to tell lies to his clanmates without giving himself away, they had to accept the truth of his assertions.

  Rajhir and Breft then demanded details of the encounter, and Flencik was delighted to provide them. As he heard the tale, Rajhir realized his clanmate had taken Amelia in a way that many other species would have found to be more punishment than pleasure. Flencik was tender for a Kalquorian, but his natural strength was a force to be reckoned with. Imdikos, while not as assertive as Dramoks or Nobeks, were still alpha beings for the most part. Even one as sweet-natured as his clanmate had his aggressive side, given the right situation. Flencik had proven that with the response to the natural submissiveness Rajhir had noted in Amelia before.

  Imdikos in clans lacking females didn’t often get to sexually dominate their male lifemates. Nobeks were too aggressiv
e as a rule. Dramoks, as the most alpha of Kalquorians, hated to let go of that kind of control. Imdikos usually ended up on the bottom as a consequence. It was no surprise to hear Flencik had allowed himself to unleash as much as he thought their maybe-Matara could handle and then pushed her boundaries a little further.

  He’d bitten his lip at that point of the story, obviously concerned with his more primal instincts around an Earther. “I might have bruised her a little. She didn’t seem to have been damaged, but I know she experienced a little pain. It was at that time that she responded with her strongest orgasms.”

  “She’s not just submissive then,” Breft mused, his eyes going dark. “She must be a little masochistic as well.”

  “I didn’t send her home just so she wouldn’t know I’d tested her,” Flencik admitted. “If she had stayed, I wouldn’t have been able to resist taking her again, perhaps with even more force. She brings out my instincts to dominate. I didn’t trust myself to not inflict serious injuries, especially not without someone to keep an eye on me.”

  Rajhir patted his clanmate’s shoulder. “Flencik, you are the gentlest person I know. I have every faith you wouldn’t have caused Amelia any real harm.”

  Breft also softened towards their Imdiko. “She was in good hands with you. No one knows that better than I, so stop worrying. If the tests come out positive, you will make her a good caregiver and a conscientious lover.”

  That brightened their sensitive clanmate’s outlook once more. Looking much relieved, Flencik went into his lab to conduct his analyses.

  As soon as the copper door shut, Breft spoke to Rajhir in a low voice. “I worry about how he’ll feel if Amelia proves compatible and fights being clanned to us.”

  Rajhir drew a deep breath. “Such a reaction on her part would only be temporary. She can’t help but fall in love with our Imdiko, given time. He’s too good a person.”

  “Tell his parents that.”

  “His parents are fools of the highest order,” Rajhir snorted. “Amelia is not.”

  They quit that conversation, both men knowing it would only make them angry to continue discussing their clanmate’s selfish, uncaring parent clan.